Sunday, March 20, 2011

Waving Goodbye To Their Future

Every day they seem to slip just a little bit further out of our grasp
Their color isn’t good and it’s almost like they no longer care
They’re even less aware than our dear children - whom they cannot recognize
But at some point they gotta realize we got lives of our own to live

Lots of us are saying they’ll just have to be able to take care of themselves
Life must go on for we the living, so we’ll just have to let them go
It’s not like we don’t got our own futures covered, what with christ and all
So we’ll just take a moment to wave goodbye from amidst our noisy fortunes

After all, we are, one and all, in this competition called the pursuit of happiness
Their far-off signals are pretty much indecipherable along our hurried way
So we’ll see them off and wish them well on whatever road that they may find
We cannot sacrifice our very lives providing for all their needs forever

They do not seem to grasp the vitally important nature of our feverish pursuits
They cannot share the passions which consume us to the exclusion of all else
Their silent presence can become oppressive when we have so much to do
We all must learn we just have to let them go - even if they might not go away

They cannot realize the immense burden their simple presence generates
In any case, how can they expect their milk without fighting for a teat
Their passive and unwavering silence cannot fail to hurt their cause
Because the earth’s sweet goods get divvied up to whomever grabs the most

But every day our own needs seem greater and their voices grow even fainter
So we leave them on an ice floe or cast them into the river in tiny fragile boats
We borrow a moment to wave goodbye and then hurry back upon our noisy way
We grant them their freedom and independence, out of sight and out of mind

We absolve ourselves of knowledge, responsibility and any guilt on their behalf
We wish them well and wave goodbye and promise we’ll meet again, somewhere up in heaven
So we set the children of the future free that we might get on with our own pressing lives
We forever turn our backs on them for we have determined to have it all today

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