Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Most Sacred Core Beliefs

Out of which arise our Traditional Family Values©
War is a basic and unchangeable part of human nature that will always be with us
You cant’ stop progress and that includes its unforeseen and destructive side effects
We must remain ready to preemptively defend ourselves or we will be attacked from all sides
Population growth is divinely ordained and no one may limit a family’s number of children

Human survival on the family scale trumps human survivability on the global level
Food and jobs must supercede preservation of the earth that supports them both
Trillions of selfish short-term, greed-optimized decisions blindly ensure our best future
Our god, no matter his name, is the one true god whom we must follow and defend to the death

The soulless animals may be tended, exterminated or ignored simply as we see fit
God works on his vaster projects in mysterious ways which we simply cannot grasp
This earthly life is but a short and illusory prelude to a far better and eternal paradise
His servants on this earth are here to help guide us along the path that He created

Merging mega-sized competitors produces many long-term benefits, not just fat bonuses
Hostility and aggression need our financial support but peace and harmony do not
We will always have to be preparing to fight to the death for a bit of simple peace
We hold as a matter of faith that our children will always have a rosier future than we

The poor are either lazy or suffering divine punishment and therefore, can be righteously ignored
Monomaniacal control freaks will use the power they grab only to help build a better society
Once safely out of our sight, our wastes need no longer be any of our concern, ever again
Air and water are free goods and trying to preserve them involves taxes not investments

Simply reacting to problems after they become serious is more effective than failed social planning
Living in wait for quickly-forgotten holidays leaves one with a rich set of remembrances
Corporations really do care about employees, customers, society and the environment
Focusing on next quarter’s results leads us all inevitably towards the happily ever after

Climate change is unproven but would be far too expensive and difficult to try and remedy
Overseas outsourcing clears the way for those new and better jobs for our displaced workers
Hindbrain reactionary muddling remains the best option for global problem solving
Stocks are safe investments which always outperform other instruments in the long run

Personal Responsibility is a viable strategy to deal with pensions and medical costs
The free market will address poverty, education, environmental and healthcare issues
Road, bridge, dam, sewer, power and water infrastructure outlays can be indefinitely postponed
An officially multi-lingual government provides egalitarian services and unites its people

God belongs in our government but the government does not belong in our businesses
Living life to its fullest means saving nothing as one consumes and discards freely, without saving
Mom is really quite happy at that place and the people all like her and really care about her
God’s will is quite naturally done here on earth just as it is in His eternal heaven

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