Monday, March 14, 2011

Cut All This Stupid Wasteful Crap

Remove the ever-swelling tumor they winkingly euphemize as dEfense spending
Stop wasting millions of hours watching fat men bending over in tight stretch pants
Quit simply throwing out those 5 billion free plastic shopping bags you used only once
Don’t waste any more good advertising dollars on abrasive talking head spin doctors

Silence the 250 hp outboards and raucous OHVs used for our wanton so-called wreckreation
Curb our immense waste of paper, metal, glass and plastic by charging national deposits
Stop throwing money over there, make their oil unnecessary and leave them to their deserts
Don’t rip up more open land - Make them rebuild their cheap and worn-out strip malls

Quit repeating untold hours mowing, weeding, fertilizing and watering fake lawns
Turn the flood plains into parks and croplands but don’t rebuild homes there again
Stop the countless unnecessary trips riding all alone in obese, low-mileage roadhogs
Curb the waste of multi-generational single-parent families educated only in our prisons

Keep a quarter deposit on each set of fast food wrappers and utensils tossed away
Quit turning unnoticed extra calories from unhealthy food into unattractive, deadly fat
End the total waste of money on that pointless and long ago lost war on drugs
Quit destroying any place we love with your identical slash and burn developments

Stop unaffordable credit spending based solely on guilt implanted by corporate merchant holidays
Cut your gas terrorist subsidy and CO2 footprint along with this foolish worship of overpriced pickups
Insulate, wear a sweater and quit wasting money, fuel and emissions like a simple ignorant child
Put away the 60’ RVs with noisy generators towing 3 ton SUVs and 2 tiny people

End the bitterly divisive waste of time regarded now as the normal legislative process
Stop wasting precious socio-political bandwidth on phony wedge and values issues
Curb the 40% of our emissions that arise from the unnecessary and the inefficient
Cut the hopeless and expensive foolishness of multi-lingual government claptrap

Quit piling debt on the future while wasting the resources they’ll need to pay them back
Cut the thoughtless, random and chaotic noise that shatters the good & protective silence
Overcome the arrogant exceptionist righteousness we had our one true savior grant only to us
Decrease our dependence on shoddy goods built by foreign peasant slave labor

Forget the childish fantasy that easy credit is a safe & longterm source of household income
Disavow their myth of eternal compound growth for that of an economic steady state
Stop subsidizing the wasteful notion that prevention costs more than treatment
Focus and trigger nightlights instead of wasting good energy to simply hide the stars

Quit mining fossil water to grow grain for cows that need antibiotics just to digest them
End wasted bailouts meant to revive Ponzi financing and foolish credit spending
Reduce global population enough so that our frenzied activities do not threaten our very existence
Quit wasting so much energy trying to save a little time – Time that you will never get to spend

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