Friday, March 4, 2011

Makes Sense When You're Dreaming

It just all seems so logical and sensible inside this flawed dream we collectively weave
that’s why we need cluster bombs, land mines, new nukes and more chemical weapons

It’s all here before us in living breathing color every month of our maxed-out credit card lives
There are drugs for those who imagine that all this is crazy and can’t really last much longer

We waste and pollute, overcrowd and degrade, extract, poison and extinguish
For this we have rock solid reasoning layered on seamless and unassailable assumptions

From one bit of faith flows our vast river of well-constructed and inescapable dogma
Thusly can we ignore ancient wisdom and our starving brothers in an angry, righteous blindness

Bathed in a warm sea of religion, patriotism and family values we move about with ease
We readily expect third world sacrifice on behalf of our dreamy convenience

Groping sleepily with the blind hand of the free market in pursuit of individual happiness
We gladly pay more for disappearing resources which guarantees their final exploitation

The lights work and the water runs and the garbage gets hauled off somewhere every week
Verily do we perceive the unending natural cycle of our inalienable consumer lifestyle

There’s nothing out of context and the wackos are sensibly and seamlessly ignored
Our own professionals in neat suits have organized agendas tracking everything important

We readily explain away anything which disturbs the consistency of the revered central images
Thus, the multi-generational poverty and suffering of others is thoughtlessly tolerated

Just a couple of small basic distortions have increasingly warped our derived beliefs
And fat people drive oversize cars way too fast, wasting and emitting and calling it good

With but a subtle bending to enlightened self-interest and the pursuit of our happiness
We appoint the greediest, most amoral and self-serving as the masters of our universe

It just makes common sense in the dream which immerses everyone, all of the time
Together we direct all our efforts towards the foolish pipedream of eternal compound growth

It seems normal to live beyond our means, never save a penny, and still expect pensions
Nobody even questions shoving all the other life forms aside to abet our so-called progress

Our only true issues arise when we cannot obtain all the rich rewards of the collective fantasy
But even then, the shared dream in which we pursue these shiny baubles cannot be distorted

Yet, it takes a moment to ignore the rolled back, widened eyes seen often in the departing
It is as if, too late, they are roused from our dream to some nightmare that we will never see

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